Monday, February 6, 2012

Irish Cream Mocha Cake

This cake was inspired by one of my favorite winter drinks: hot cocoa, coffee a shot of Irish Cream all topped by a dollop of whipped cream. Yeah, it was like that only richer, denser (but still very moist) and more fattening… That’s why I liked it so much! ;o)


1 18 1/2 ounce package chocolate cake mix
1 3 3/4 ounce package yellow instant chocolate pudding mix
4 eggs
1/2 cup very strong coffee
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup Irish Cream

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease and flour a 10 inch tube or 12 inch bundt pan. Mix next 6 cake ingredients together and pour batter into pan. Bake 1 hour and cool. Invert on a serving plate.


2 cups heavy cream
1/4 - 1/2 cups powdered sugar
4 Tablespoons Bailey's Irish Cream, or more to taste (4 wasn’t quite enough to really taste it)

*1 Tablespoon instant clear gel (for stabilizing, but it is optional)

Whip the cream until thick. Mix sugar and clear gel (if using) and add to cream. Add Irish Cream. Continue to whip until very thick.

Spread onto cooled cake. Serve immediately and store leftover cake in fridge.

Irish cream cake 04

 I only had enough cream to make half a batch of frosting…


  1. The recipe says, in the third sentence of the "Cake" instructions, to "pour batter over nuts".

    What nuts?

    There are no nuts listed in the ingredients. In fact, nuts are mentioned no where else in the recipe. Was this just a test to see if we were reading? If so, what did I win? :)

  2. Ooops! This is a variation of my spiced rum cake. I just copied and pasted the directions and forgot to delete that part when I made the other changes. Thanks for noticing! I'll fix it right now. Sorry, no prize... LOL
